Interview With Christopher AntonopoulosCEO at Measured Results Marketing TechConnectr is a marketplace of best of breed ABM and other lead gen solutions, helping marketers deliver highly-targeted "quality" leads for their sales teams.SIGN UP FOR FREE CONSULTATION...
Resource Topics
Interview | Lauren Goldstein CRO at ANNUITAS
Interview with Lauren GoldsteinPrincipal & CRO at ANNUITAS hi this is Bob Samuel Spano tech connector tech connector provides efficiencies transparency and actionable intelligence for b2b légion marketers and their agents we've partnered with serious...
Interview | Nicky Briggs Research Director at Forrester
Interview with Nicky Briggs Research Director at Forrester Interview Highlights: ABM = Special Treatment for Valuable Accounts Insight gathering - customized approaches ABM Technology Enabling - at scale Top Quartile ABM Performers: Similar tactics as other marketers...
Interview | Simon Jones Research Director, Demand Marketing at Forrester
Interview with Simon JonesResearch Director, Demand Marketing at Forrester Interview Highlights: Demand Generation Marketing best practices Agile Marketing Implementation Tips Buyer-Centric focus Sales-Marketing coordination 'Demand Spectrum' alignment Utilizing...
Interview | James Foulkes Co-Founder at Kingpin Communications
Interview with James FoulkesDirector & Co-Founder Kingpin Communications Interview Highlights: Agile MarketingDynamic Content -> Behavior – text via behavior. Marketing Challenges in Europe Intent Data – tracking what people are doing. What Defines Success ie...
Interview | Doug Bewsher CEO at Leadspace
Interview with Doug BewsherCEO at Leadspace hi this is Bob Samuels fan of tech connector connector provides efficiencies in actionable intelligence for b2b légion marketers and their agents we've partnered with serious decisions to bring you wisdom from leading...
Interview | Shonodeep Modak CMO North America at Schneider Electric
Interview with Shonodeep ModakCMO, North America at Schneider Electric hi this is Bob Samuel Steiners pet connector tech connector is a marketplace and campaign management platform professor breeds account based marketing lead generation solutions we've partnered with...
Interview | Scott Brinker VP Platform Ecosystem at HubSpot
Interview with Scott BrinkerVP Platform Ecosystem at HubSpot hi this is Bob Samuel Spano tech connector tech connect there's a marketplace and campaign management platform the best to brief account based marketing lead generation solutions we've partnered with the b2b...
Interview | Christopher Engman CRO/CMO Proof Analytics
Interview with Christopher EngmanCRO/CMO Proof Analytics hi this is Bob Samuels founder of tech connector tech connector is a marketplace and campaign management platform of Best of Breed account based marketing lead generation solutions we've partnered with the b2b...
Interview | Anamika Gupta | Director ABM | Fujitsu America
Interview with Anamika GuptaDirector and Head of ABM at Fujitsu America hi this is Bob Samuels fan of tech connective tech connector is a marketplace and campaign management platform of Best of Breed account based marketing and lead generation solutions we've...
Interview | Marc Keating Chief Innovation Officer | Stein IAS
Interview With Marc KeatingChief Innovation Officer at Stein IAShi this is Bob Santos founder of tech connector tech connector is a marketplace in campaign management platform of Best of Breed account based marketing lead generation solutions we've partnered with a...
Interview | Liz Dubelman | Executive Editor | WITI
Interview with Liz DubelmanExecutive Editor at WITI hi this is Bob Samuels founder tech connector that connector is a marketplace and campaign management platform a Best of Breed account based marketing lead generation solutions we've partnered with the serious...