Interview With Christopher Antonopoulos
CEO at Measured Results Marketing

TechConnectr is a marketplace of best of breed ABM and other lead gen solutions, helping marketers deliver highly-targeted “quality” leads for their sales teams.
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hi this is Bob Samuels founder of tech
connectr techconnectr is a
transparent marketplace and campaign
management platform a Best of Breed
account based marketing lead generation
solutions we’ve partnered serious
decision summit to bring you wisdom from
leading account based marketing thought
leaders to that end I’d like to
introduce you to Christopher
Antonopoulos CEO of measured results
marketing Christopher it’s a pleasure to
speak with you how are you today
well Bob I’m glad I’ve had the
opportunity to connect before this call
and they’re really excited to talk about
ABM and data and technology today
outstanding and so if you can give our
audience a little bit of your background
specifically around ABM and targeted
marketing subway I think um I like to
think of myself as part of the old guard
and that’s in the technology space so
yeah an initial user of tools like
Eloqua HubSpot ExactTarget and a lot of
the platforms like Salesforce Sugar CRM
and Microsoft Dynamics and so you know
my background is really how do you
connect the system’s together so that
you’ve made sure that the leads are
passed from the capture point all the
way into a sale system and then match
back to where they came from in the
first place I’ve worked with Cisco
Systems Network solutions and now really
focused on helping
mid-market companies build their
technology stacks outstanding so and and
you’ve had experience both as a
consultant and as a user yourself
yes I think as a user myself is really
the impetus to doing this but when you
work at large organizations where
they’ve got seven instances of
Salesforce and using multiple marketing
automation tools it gives you a good
context of how that how all those pieces
work and then it’s continued to help
companies build that as a as a
practitioner and they’re building a keep
team of subject matter experts to do
that work okay and as we talked briefly
before this interview you mentioned it’s
all down to people process and
technology yeah I think um what was
what’s interesting about this space is
that you can have the best configuration
you can tag your key and target account
and create your account tiers and if you
don’t take into consideration in the
process of how that gets the sales or
moves around your organization nor train
the individuals that are you know
working with this data or the frontline
to talk to prospects or the account it
doesn’t matter how good of a system you
have what data you have set up you get
you get stuck if you don’t have the
people aligned with the information that
you’re sending to them okay
and so I imagine it all comes it all
starts this whole ABM and targeted
marketing it has to start with a lot of
planning before you can actually
implement anything yes I think um I mean I
think people overcomplicate it to start
I mean essentially ABM is about choose
the clients that best fit with who your
organization wants to sell to you
identify those organizations and then
programmatically market to them and
build programs to try to engage them
understand understand a bit more about
your solution so it’s it’s a bit easy to
start I think
where people get caught up with it is
they’re trying to build the perfect
model to start and exactly target
organizations and so they get to a
position where it’s there they build out
this entire map of type of organizations
industry personas within them and then
they they need to then develop content
for each of them and segment their
database and create all these fields
with dropdowns and so although you
eventually get there I think it’s just
find the best fit type of companies
first and start really simply and don’t
get caught up in all the webinars or
analytic framework that it may not be
necessary when we were just getting
started so basically spend some time
figure out who is your identical key ideal
customer profile if you will and find
those keys and then find the right
people within those companies right
because there’s probably half a dozen or
dozen right folks depending on their
their personas in their angles and just
it just depends on where you’re starting
I mean this can be as simple as going to
LinkedIn putting in a profile for
revenue geographic location and industry
and then identifying some titles of
individuals who you want to target in
this company it doesn’t yeah that’s a
very manual way to do it and manual way
to start but at least it gives you the
context of how you find these
individuals and then get the right
component pieces when you start to build
this at scale and either by data about
organizations or augment stuff you
already have and so to find so you
get your your Key people your key target
companies and you figure out okay so
what do I get it for you so how do you
how do you reach out to them what type
of messaging do you use is it
imagine the whole story of the whole
series of messages and different
platforms and different approaches yeah
it’s um meaning it depends on size and
the scale of company I mean it’s always
trying to find attributes or things that
that person or categories of companies
care about yeah I think so you’re
starting starting with an experiment if
you’ve never done it before let’s say
she’s LinkedIn as an example you find a
company you want to do business with you
find the title of an individual within
that organization and then you need to
do a bit of research to understand you
know what are their pain points are
there any articles about their company
or press releases yeah
I’m sure Bob you’re you’re bombarded
like I am with these I just connected
with you on LinkedIn I have these great
lists that you can buy contact me and I
will send you a hundred contacts with
companies that want to buy from you
right now
and so if usually if you’re doing it at
a small scale it is personalizing
messages based on organization to those
individuals and offering to help them in
a way that if they care about if it’s a
cyber security company there’s there’s
specific challenges that they have that
is quite a number of them you know what
what area are they focused in and so
knowing a bit more is is where it starts
initially if you’re doing this at scale
it becomes a you know using they’re
creating a survey or using research that
an audiences is interested in and then
using a data source to identify industry
or augment information about that
company so these are there’s a zoom
info there there’s a
whole host of tools where you can
collect data about
out these target companies and then and
make assumptions in terms of what their
needs are and present them with things
you they think you think they may be
interested in it’s not as effective as
one on one but it’s that sort of next
stage and in development or building out
one of these programs I said a lot of
words that hopefully hopefully made
hopefully made sense in terms of how I
walked through that process make sense
do you use intent signals type of data
in the process finding out what their
their dimensions are reading running out
with the social types of signals yeah I
think that’s the little next phase of
development so it I did identifying your
organization’s finding the right titles
and experimenting with to is who is
responsive to those messages then it’s
trying to find out more information in a
more automated fashion about individual
and company to understand what their
needs and pain points are yeah the next
part is intent and so you have it tools
like demand base and others that have
the extensive ad networks and what they
try to do is look at what are
individuals behavior what content are
they absorbing and then did they visit
your website or are they showing
interest by activities in terms of
needing the solution that you offer so
that’s sort of that next day for you to
break this in the buckets in terms of is
the 101 201 301 level intent data is
that the real one level but you have to
do those other those other steps first
because it’s thinner it’s just it’s
harder to collect and typically more
expensive when you are trying to get
data about individuals intent to
purchase or behavior not through your
own channels you know through a visit of
your website
or a download of a piece of content
it beyond that it becomes a bit more
expensive and you have to be really
sophisticated and getting it in their
system and then they’re building rules
to use that information and just just to
clarify it wouldn’t be the intent of a
person they would be more of intent of a
company at the domain level not even
knowing who who that person is just
reading that article for instance yeah I
mean sometimes the there’s all sorts of
um pay per click type models where yeah
companies do research so you have um
probably assent to as an example of one
where they survey industries demand gen
as demand gen report is another example
where you’ve got individuals completing
surveys about what their priorities are
and then that information is passed to
companies and organisations to learn in
intent so it’s both on the company level as
well as an individual who is completing
a survey to get a report so there’s
units that’s one example of a source
there’s LinkedIn Greeks a whole host of
ways to defeat you that out just depends
how little sleep you want to get and
does it really make a difference in
targeting that company with a
personalized experience so they’re more
likely to engage with your company ok so
what what do you have you come up across
how do you handle issues around
data privacy GDPR CCPA coming around
and have you have you had experience
addressing those sort of challenges yeah
I mean I think it’s um so the answer is
yes the the challenge is really you know
how do you initially engage with someone
that you believe that you can help with
your product your solution I think from
a frame GDPR perspective it’s really putting
something in the market that is
compelling enough for someone to respond
to or opt-in to communications with you
a lot of webinars online events it
really that they are they’re essentially
approving your ability to proving the
ability for you to contact them but you
know it’s really caused at least in the
last year year and a half a number of
companies to be really careful about
tagging and identifying where they met
someone how they communicated with them
and really focused on building things to
engage individuals to get that
permission yeah I think in the u.s. it’s
going to be a big it’s going to be a big
change in terms of how companies think
about marketing I mean at this point as
long as it roughly speaking as long as
you when you email someone tell them who
you are what organization and give them
an easy build ability to unsubscribe it
for the most part you can email most
anyone I think when you in the future
when you move to more you know
permission for contacting individuals
that fully changes how you market and
how you target organizations as they you
really have to provide value first
before blasting out an email to tens of
thousands of people makes sense so so what
does the future look like how what is
how do you think things are heading what
do we gonna be talking about in a year
or five years from now as far as ABM
were targeted market I mean
I think we’re going to talk
more about groups of individuals for ABM
or there you’ll have platforms places
where people get information that they
subscribe to that are part of a group
and so
I think ABM is going to be about how do
you provide information to that group
and then solve specific problems in
order to get permissions to communicate
I think there’s a lot of talk about
personalization and what level is
required but I think we’re going to talk
about you know how much better data has
gotten and what programs people are
using in order to get that information
from individuals I think I know if
you’ve seen Google put out some news
from from a chrome perspective about not
allowing third-party smacking codes at
some point in the future and so you’re
really going to need to get information
directly from individuals rather than
relying on other sources to try to
augment what you have so I think it’s
going to be a move to one-on-one
relationships with people and companies
it was I listened to one one podcast
where they said your grandparents are
much better suited to market and sell
than you are and so I think it I think
we’re going to continue to move to that
relationship and individual
correspondence as we as we progress in
the next year at back to the old school
you referred to in the beginning yeah I
mean it’s picking up the it’s um having
a relationship it’s showing how you’re
connected I think we talked at the very
beginning about people we knew in common
as a way to you know bet experience in a
space I think it’s going to be more and
more important and company is going to
rely on it because in in some spaces
like cybersecurity where you have a
company forming it feels like every 30
seconds how do you differentiate and
build a relationship and a lot of it’s
going to be with actual
communications rather than a blast of a
piece of content that you hope is
compelling enough for someone to open
yeah well I hear good things about
handwritten notes people don’t do them
anymore they’re they’re appreciated yeah
we we do that so all of our clients we
do a handwritten holiday card with a
note not just a they’ll have a good 20
20 it’s a note about what we’ve done
with them and at what we’re excited to
do with them in the next year it takes
hours and hours but it it’s a great way
for clients to understand you appreciate
them and it usually has them reaching
out and asking about what net what’s
next or yep how do you think about the
coming year okay good
well I create your time any other words
of wisdom before I let you go no I think
it’s just just try I think for ABM
programs don’t over complicate it start
simply and identify a few companies and
research them and then scale that
process one to you once you figure out
what works excellent thanks very much
appreciate your time have a
great day
great thank you